Narrative Distortion
If you have made it this far, you're probably skooled enough to appreciate anomalies on the global political stage, and will not require hand-holding to grok the theories presented. This is a deep dive into the nature of all that is not mainstream, be they media, institutions, or government.
Our contemporary reality is somewhere in between ‘Wag The Dog’ and ‘The Truman Show’ - a mix of scripted reality-show political theatre overlaid by a veil of freedom fairytales. The chart below is an attempt to bring together many of the narrative distortions which beguile the unsuspecting whilst running cover for the heinous entities that pull the strings.
There is a playbook manipulation to this hacking of the human brain. It is not by accident that outcomes making up our history are used as justifications to restrict our future. Many of these outcomes are shaped for public consumption with a carefully planned narrative control that seeks to render as palatable those things which we have not willingly accepted in the past. This is an attempt to cobble together some contemporary active distortions in order to demonstrate how the playbook functions.
Is there any greater evil than destroying human lives in the pursuit of riches? Destroying human lives to conquer lands is an age old feudal fave, and likewise pursuing riches has long been a vice hard to resist. However, when the two vices are conjoined in an organised format, (at state or corporate levels) harvesting human life for profit exceeds the malice of common murder by an order of magnitude. That which motivates a common murderer exists on a scale ranging from careless to malicious, whereas the act of knowingly extinguishing lives only for personal gain holds a level of wickedness which starts at maliciousness and has no upper limit. Yet this is where we are in today's world, idly watching from the sidelines as millions are snuffed out, all in pursuit of profit.
If one is to examine (and cross-check) these listed references, it is evident that collaboration by various individuals and entities is shaping global and nation-state events through deliberate planning. The mission objectives may vary, (power, profit, control) but the modes are similar, often with a clear evolutionary path - for example Whitney Webbs ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ books show how the Jeffrey Epstein honeypot racket is from a playbook that has evolved over almost a century, beginning with the blackmail of FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover. The creators and initiators of these dirty tricks plan their misdeeds with the same approach you or I might play a casual prank on an acquaintance -accurately and deliberately, just without the death and destruction. The stakeholders who make these plays have very narrow objectives (power/profit/control) that have no consideration to the life/liberty/property of those who stand in their way. For them, wars, collapsing sharemarkets, or coups, are mere means to an end, the 'cost of doing business’.
And likewise, the playbook is the same for P Diddy, as it was the same for WMDs in Iraq, and it’s the same basic distraction used as an excuse for the genocidal eradication of Palestinians. These acts are exactly what the CIA wanted to distract attention from when they proliferated the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’. Things like collaborating in the assassination of a sitting US President (JFK), which no longer seems to be in any doubt whatsoever, prove there is no limit (moral or in magnitude) to which these conspirators will stoop. (Stupidly, parts of the attempts to assassinate Trump follow the same playbook pattern as the JFK assassination) 'They' hold all the cards as this page seeks to demonstrate, but make no mistake, it is no mistake.
A notable difference between mainstream and alternative media is in delivery of ‘the facts’. Mainstream prattles on like petty schoolmasters, whereas alternative media will help out with your homework. Mainstream started out as a state broadcaster whose original task was to inform. Then it became a political bullhorn, initially in the guise of war bulletins, which slid sideways into garnering support to justify war, eventually morphing into the modern political pawn war agitator that underpins modern media distortions. Along the way, media has changed from state-owned to corporate-owned, and from concerned gatekeeper to piss-weak parrot. Alternative media will seek truth wherever it may lie, and however uncomfortable it may be, whereas mainstream will stick to the talking points that align with its sponsor's information tyranny. Alternate media is open to exploration where mainstream will stay within strict boundaries on topics which are then distributed to compliant media outlets. Alternative media employs the scientific method, whereas mainstream is strict authoritarian diktat. Mainstream is fast-food version, full of saturated fats and sugars, whereas the holistic whole-grain alternative will take longer to chew, but is wayyyyyy better for you.
On that last point, time is both slave and master in mainstream media. It is the slave that carries the dead weight of ongoing investigation beyond the attention span of any lengthy enquiry, and the master, flipping cue cards to quickly move a jumpy audience on to the next distraction. Similarly, information itself is an ocean so immense that sifting through all there is to be known is a burden which several lifetimes would not resolve. It is behind these two barriers of time and information that mainstream can hide clear understanding of our increasingly complex world.
Look for these modes as you compare any of the alternate references listed to the hollow pantomime of junk food narrative you are being fed by Big Brother. There is a distortion common to all these areas which is difficult to define yet always lurking like a shadow in our consciousness, and becoming partially visible in the sudden growth industry of 'fact checking'.
This chart is best viewed in its entirety to appreciate the narrative control landscape idea as it is being presented. The chart attempts to demonstrate the ubiquitous intrusion into our lives by unelected entities which seek only to feather their own nests. It will be confronting to those who are accustomed to the nanny state sandbox where Big Brother runs the reality checks, so this is more for those who want to take a wider view on our contemporary world condition. Unfortunately the 'proof of work' to accept the narrative control thesis being presented here will require a significant investment of time, which is a deliberate casualty of the distraction economy.
Another thing to note with this material is the alternate form of presentation. The host/guest openness, the rationality of response, a calmness of character, and often delivered in long-form discussion that will generally reference real world events. (as opposed to tropes parroted by mainstream talking heads) There is no authoritarian preaching from a guidebook of agreed responses, and no fumbling for obscure language to give virtue signalling explanations that provide scope for interpretation. The influences selected are trying their best to understand the world around them through the lens of their chosen field of expertise.
One driver for the mainstream narrative control is to perpetuate revenue gain. It matters little whether by war, natural disaster, ideology, politics or the proliferation of money itself, if there is a way to expand the economic system, then there’s a gain to be made for the money makers. To achieve that gain, neither catastrophe nor loss of human lives factor in the equations of those who stand to profit from its proliferation. At the macro level, a decision affecting millions of lives will be made with the same loose sterility applied to choosing a toilet paper brand - size matters, scale is inconsequential.
Support articles are supplied only for the ‘Alternate View’, as the mainstream ‘Official Narrative’ garbage is widely available - "relax, you're soaking in it!" Some are books, some are videos or interviews, and some are materials from this website or IOV Twitter. Not all materials fit the theme exactly, and some materials can fit more than one theme.
This page is provided as an anchor for upcoming video presentations.
Manufacturing Consent - Edward S Hermann & Noam Chomsky
War is a Racket - Gen. Smedley Butler
One Nation Under Blackmail - Whitney Webb
Fred Shipp - CIA whistleblower on structure of shadow government
The Creature From Jekyll Island - @GEdward_Griffin
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - @jperkinsauthor
Ian Carroll with Robert Breedlove on conspiracy
NSA Whistleblower William Binney
Tragedy & Hope 101 - @JoePlummer
‘Chaos’ author Tom O’Neill with Joe Rogan
Fossil Future - @AlexEpstein
The Fate of Abraham - Peter Oborne
Permanent Record - Edward Snowden
The Chaos Machine - Max Fisher
Empire of Pain - Patrick Redden Keefe
World Without Cancer - G Edward Griffin (video)
Viral - Alina Chan/Matt Ridley
Human Action - Ludwig von Mises
Dr James Lindsay - speech
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshanna Zubhof
The Century of the Self. Pt 2 - The Engineering of Consent BBC
Mike Benz - origins of the Blob
Mike Benz - the ‘Blob’ controls information
War With Russia - Stephen F Cohen (written 2019 before the war)
Greyzone - Aaron Mate with Stephen F Cohen
Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel - Max Blumenthal
Other Stuff...
Noteworthy Online Materials
The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy
The Coming Collapse of the American Economic System - Richard Wolf on RT
Death of the Liberal Class - Chris Hedges
William Binney - NSA whistleblower
Kevin Shipp - CIA whistleblower
Larry Lessig - Democracy
James Flynn - summarises last six wars of US
Climate History - Dan Britt
Climate change debate, a common sense approach
Global Money Supply
Whistleblower John Kiriakou
Noteworthy Podcasts
The 'What is Money Show' with Robert Breedlove
The Bitcoin Standard Podcast
The All-in Podcast
Books that Inspired
Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Bitcoin Standard - Saifedean Ammous
The Fiat Standard - Saifedean Ammous
Layered Money - Nik Bahtia
The Price of Time - Edward Chancellor
The Price of Tomorrow - Jeff Booth
The Sovereign Individual - James Dale Davidson
Requiem for the American Dream - Noam Chomsky
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels - Alex Epstein
Winners Take All - Anand Giridharadas
The Creature from Jekyll Island - G Edward Griffin
Mans Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl
Daylight Robbery - Dominic Frisby
Friendly Fascism - Betram Gross
The Coddling of the American Mind - Jonathan Haidt
The Moral Landscape - Sam Harris
Manufacturing Consent - Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky
Life after Google - George Gilder
Lost Connections - Johann Hari
America:The Farewell Tour - Chris Hedges
The New Human Rights Movement - Peter Joseph
Freedom from the Known - Jiddu Kristnamurti
Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalists Guide to Global Warming - Bjorn Lomborg
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Maté
Human Action - Ludwig von Mises
The Cancer Stage of Capitalism - John McMurtry
The Strange Death of Europe - Douglas Murray
The Madness of Crowds - Douglas Murray
Chaos - Tom O’Niel
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins
Maps of Meaning - Jordan Peterson
12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
Beyond Order - Jordan Peterson
All the Presidents Bankers - Naomi Prins
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
How Innovation Works - Matt Ridley
Permanent Record - Edward Snowden
On Tyranny - Timothy Snyder
The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Discrimination and Disparities - Thomas Sowell
Black Rednecks and White Liberals - Thomas Sowell
Insane Clown President - Matt Taibbi
Hate Inc - Matt Taibbi
The Courage to Be - Paul Tillich
Zero to One - Peter Thiel
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff
Noteworthy Newsmakers
Mike Benz @
Ian Carroll @
Whitney Webb @ Unlimited Hangout
Neil Oliver @ GB News
Chris Hedges
Kevork Almassian
Glenn Greenwald
Max Blumenthal - The Grayzone
Double Down News (DDN)
IOV video links - an intro - a short documentary - adds more info to documentary - voting is a farce - a reference to this webpage - a response to twitter twattle - narrative control behind US elections